OK, would have posted like 2 days ago but had a party to go to, then I went to a theme park the day, so yeah ^_^/
I've started reading La Corda D'Oro~ Yaaay!
Although I've only read 1 volume so far :/ but judging from the first volume, the rest of the series is going to be great!!! NO! AWESOME! YEW!!
*Picture reference time>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*
I also found another manga, a manga that I've actually never heard of, but I found it tucked away at the library, so I was like: Meh, and got it out :3
It's called Arcana
It's called Arcana

So far it's really good, it's about this girl who has to become some guardian thing...I dunno...I forget...I've only read the first volume, sooo yeah. But I borrowed, like, 6 or 7 volumes so it's all good :3
Anyway, think I might do a manga review tomorrow :3 and then maybe another anime review?? Maybe...? If I have time...what am saying??? I'm on holidays! Of coarse I have time! Pfff. Oh look, now it's raining :/
Oh well, PIECE OUT ^_^/
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