This is our 3rd sesion of importent notes untile now. Ive decided to public on each 3 months a series of notes that ive seen and analyzed for the past 3 months. Due to the last month of this year 2010 ive decide to reminde those who are new with our blog and those who are already familiar.
The World of Anime - is a blog wich contains only materials tied to animes ONLY!
-this blog does not post about real life stuff nor events
-this blog contains only information and photoes destineted to animes
-each month we post diferent themes subjects, anime relationship, special events and defenatly at least one new anime each month
-because of the limited time we preffer to stick at the maximum number of posting per month and that is 5 to 8-9 posts
-every photo that we post in this blog WE DO NOT OWN IT nor CREATED IT
-every information we post on this blog is true, takend from good sources!
-every person is allowed to comment and critic
ON behave of the team, i ,the director, creator ,coordonator and host: Vanesa e.k.e. TheAnimeLover want to say: Thank You very much for supporting us and our blog!
MESSAGE Lelouch and C.C.: I ,Lelouch order you to remain Loyal to us, The World of Anime!

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