Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Yo Yo!! Howz it hangin?!?!
Letz get down to business yo!
Haha, sorry, KillerBee moment >_<
I've finally found the anime i've been trying to get my hands on; Chobits. Although i only got volume 4. So far(in the 4 episodes that i've seen) it's been wierd. But i can't wait to watch more of it, i'll probably have to put it on hold or something. hmmm. troublesome.
I also got out!
Bleach the movie 2:The diamonddust rebellion!
I thought it was interesting
Especially since Lil Shiro was in it!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Go LIL SHIRO!! WOO!
Hahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahhahahah! ^_^
Sorry. Gomensai. But my computers going reallllllllllly slow at the moment. I'll put the rest up tommorow. Till then, seeya. ^_^/
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Well hello again! Guess what?! I finallllllllly got volum three of Fruits Basket! Bout time too! Gosh, it's like someones had it out for like, two months! Sheesh! So I'm so glad i got it!! Anyway, to get on with thingz! I tohught I'd give you an update on allll the manga I'm reading!
Let's start off with Naruto!-
At the moment I'm up to chapter 443!
I'm nearly caught up!!!!!!!!
Ouran high school host club- Chapter 70
Fullmetal Alchemist- Chapter 86
And that's all i'm going to do. Peace out!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Colour of the Month: Miku-Style
We looked for a brand of new colours and tought about having one of the most popular virtual-singer anime girls as this colour of the month. The one and the only, code name Nr1. VOCALOID MiKu Hatsune! We agreed that we will have a new article with the VOCALOID members, not for each month but, you will never know on who you will bust into! Watch on them only on The World of Anime!

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Happy Halloween! The Hallowen of Anime
A devil horn and a unicorn-A a magic staff and a kittykat-A pumking head and a treat, insted.
Welcome to The Hallowen of Anime. Devils and Wizzards, Nurses and Cats, Vampires and Witches. The horror is broght by youre favorite yet SCARY animes this month because its Hallowen ,so take a bastek, grab a broom, dont forget the clawes and sey tha MAGIC word:
Trick or Treat!?!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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